Symbols Of Lying And Their Meanings



People throughout history have used a wide array of symbols to represent dishonesty and lying in a variety of contexts.

These symbols can be found in literature, art, and even in everyday life, and they frequently reflect the historical and cultural environment in which they were formed.

You can even find these symbols in your dreams.

When we see these symbols in our dreams, we need to pay close attention because they are trying to convey a message to us about something dishonest that has occurred in our waking life.

The following are just a few examples of the many symbols that have been used to represent lying throughout history.

Crossed Fingers

Crossing one’s fingers over the other has been a universal symbol of deceit since ancient times.

Crossing your fingers and making a wish is claimed to have started in the Middle Ages among Christian travelers who hoped God would fulfill their request.

Once upon a time, people crossing their fingers as they walked through graveyards or other places where they thought evil spirits might be hiding was a show of superstition or good luck.

As a sign of good fortune, this action was widely adopted.

However, the gesture eventually became associated with dishonesty and lying as it was used by those trying to get away with lying without being caught, such as children who made promises they knew they could not keep.

As a result of this association, crossing one’s fingers is now a global symbol of dishonesty, lies, and people who are liars.

A Hand Over The Mouth

Putting one’s hand over one’s mouth is a universal symbol of dishonesty and lies.

When people do this, it’s a universal nonverbal cue that they’re trying to hide something from you.

The gesture, which dates back to at least Ancient Greece and Rome, is used to convey the idea that the speaker is lying.

It’s possible that our shared evolutionary history accounts for the near-universal comprehension of this gesture.

Humans have a natural tendency to cover their mouths with their hands when they lie, possibly because they are worried or guilty about what they are saying.

A person may cover their mouth out of embarrassment for something they’ve said or done, or out of pure terror at the sight of something terrifying.

Whatever its roots, the hand-over-the-mouth gesture has become a universally recognized and widely used method of conveying dishonesty.

The Snake or Serpent

For what seems like forever, the snake has been recognized as a global emblem for dishonesty and deceit.

This is because the snake represents temptation in many religions and cultures and because of its sly, slithering character.

This link originates in the Bible’s Adam and Eve tale, when a serpent tempts Eve to eat the fruit she should not.

Also, Hermes, a god in Greek mythology, was typically represented holding a caduceus, a staff with two snakes coiled around it, which stood both his duty as a messenger and his capacity to speak the truth.

The serpent’s capacity to transform into a different form has also been used as a metaphor for unreliability; a dishonest person is said to “slither out of” his commitments.

The thought that someone is “snake-like” also implies malicious intent because snakes are viewed as dangerous creatures that should not be trusted because they are typically deadly.

Since then, numerous cultures have adopted this beast as a symbol of treachery, trickery, and deceit.

The Liar’s Mask, or A Long, Growing Nose

Those who wear the liar’s mask are sending a strong message that they are willing to lie and deceive.

The “mentitore,” or liar’s mask, was widely used as a symbol of deceit in Renaissance Italy.

Actors in the Commedia dell’Arte would don this mask, which showed a face with a long, pointed nose and exaggerated facial features to imply dishonesty, on stage.

This is the origin of the part of tale of Pinocchio that when wooden boy lies his nose expands.

The liar’s mask symbolizes the deception that can occur when one pretends to be honest or sincere when they are not.

The mask is also useful for people who want to hide their dishonesty, as it allows them to conceal their identity while lying.

A liar can discredit any accusations made against them and avoid responsibility for their acts by covering their face with a mask of deceit.

Ancient kings and emperors wore masks at elaborate court ceremonies to throw off their foes and keep their secrets safe.

This symbolism persists to this day in popular culture, as protagonists and antagonists alike frequently don masks in order to trick or mislead the audience.

The truth is always there if we look for it, and the liar’s disguise serves as a constant reminder of that fact.

Snapdragon Flower

As a result of its unique qualities, the Snapdragon flower has long been linked to dishonesty and falsehoods.

The upper half of each petal is a deep burgundy color, while the lower half is yellow.

It is thought that the flower’s metaphorical association with lying stems from the fact that, depending on one’s perspective, it can appear either white or off-white.

The Snapdragon’s shape also evokes images of a mouth ready to spill the beans or tell a white lie.

Snapdragons were sacred to Loki, the Greek god of chaos and disorder, and thus were linked to treachery and deception in Greek mythology.

According to urban legend, one can develop the ability to spot a liar if they successfully cultivate a Snapdragon plant in their home.

If you were able to cultivate these flowers well, the gods would reward you with good fortune and prosperity.

Snapdragons, according to another urban legend, have the ability to grant wishes if their petals are handled appropriately after dark when dew appears.

Given that anyone attempting such a feat would undoubtedly find themselves disappointed in the morning light when no desire has been granted, this narrative further confirms their relationship with dishonesty.

As a whole, the Snapdragon plant has a rich history of being associated with symbols of lies and deceit due to its peculiar look and the many legends that have developed around it.

Those in search of luck or privacy would be well to exercise caution around these deceiving blooms lest they fall prey to deceit and misdirection.

Final Word

Crossed fingers, a sideways glance, and a hand over the mouth are all universal signs of lying and deceit.

The notion that crossing your fingers would drive away misfortune or evil spirits is supposedly the basis of the crossed fingers emblem.

It’s a sign of warning against making empty promises or telling fibs.

The use of a sideways glance to convey untrustworthiness or guilt has become cliche, with the implied meaning that the individual is trying to avoid direct eye contact in order to cover up their deceit.

Last but not least, concealing one’s mouth is another telltale symptom of lying.

This is because obfuscation in speech gives the impression that the speaker is concealing something.

These signs collectively suggest that the speaker is lying or otherwise intends to mislead the audience.

If you have reason to doubt someone’s candor while conversing with them, keep these red flags in mind.

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